In every study, research, and survey conducted since the turn of the 21st century on the biggest threats to global security, stability, and prosperity, one issue has always ranked number one. That issue is not climate change, nuclear proliferation, or even pandemics: it’s religiously motivated extremism. Religious fanaticism has been the number one threat to global security in the last two decades. The world has witnessed the horror expressions of religious extremism in its most brute and ugliest forms including savagery terrorism, brutal oppression, ethnic cleansing, and even genocides carried out by both state and non-state actors in the last two decades. Millions of people have perished in this sea of religious extremism and violence implosion with entire ancient cities turned into rubble.
Because of the gravity and the nature of this threat, the international community came together and formed coalitions, consisting of governments, NGOs, and private organizations to respond to it proactively and preemptively both with brute force and soft power. Although invasions, renditions, and relentless droning resulting in wholesale massacres crystallized the initial response to religious extremism and terrorism, experts now agree it was non-violent measures that eventually turned the tide against terrorism and reduced the spread of religious extremism.
Those nonaggressive measures included tracking, prevention, intervention, and education. A whole industry of public and private cooperation as a response was born in Silicon Valley, which has worked closely with governments across the world to develop methods to track and prevent not only the spread of terrorism but also the propagation of dangerous ideologies. A vast array of NGOs and think tanks entirely devoted to “combating” religious extremism sprung to life. Muslim educators, and public intellectuals, were pressured not only to denounce extremism within Islam but demanded to proactively intervene and fight against it. This led to many Muslim parents literally walking into Madrasas and Mosques and pulling their children out by the ears. The FBI, CIA, and their subsidiaries around the world have made their primary jobs literally stalking Muslims all over the world.
A New Religion
A new Western religion was even created and pushed inorganically into the public discourse to supposedly fight religious extremism ironically in other religions. The members of this new religion were handpicked from the atheist community. Led by comedians, academics, writers, journalists, and professional propagandists whom Western governments thought were best suited to defeating religious extremism particularly extremism in the religion of Islam. This new religion to fight against extremism in the older and more established religions was called “New Atheism.” Its notable members, at least those in the public eye, were Benjamin Sam Harris, Bill Maher, Richard Dawkins, and Christopher Hitchens. They were hailed as brave souls who rejected political correctness and called spade a spade.
As a result of this undue flattery the prophets of this new religion felt empowered and permitted to attack particular religions rather than individuals committing extremist acts under the brand of that religion.
Their jobs consisted of two-fold. One was to keep people in the West frightened of Islam. The other: to name and shame Muslims into confronting religious fanaticism in their midst. To further amplify their crusade, these militant atheists worked closely with the mainstream media which made its life mission on watching Islamic Jihad and terrorism.
As time, tactics, and most importantly, the media landscape rapidly changed in the last decade –due to the advent of social media which brought along its own cast of stars– a new batch was released into the public town square.
Promoted by the same organizations and institutions as well as algorithms, these figures continued from where previous actors left them off.
Constantly sharing their state-crafted opinion with the world while also engaging with their hungry followers intimately, warning and educating them about the dangers of religious extremism. But unlike the previous group, this one was not all atheists. Some of the brightest and leading figures were religious and fanatics in their own ways, but due to “my side biases” they all focused on watching Islamic Jihad. They called themselves the “Intellectual Dark Web,” ironically nothing they have written or said was based on intellect.
The US government also encouraged NGOs and media personalities to participate in the fight against religious extremism. Offering grants to anyone willing to contribute to the war against the eradication of this threat. An entire self-perpetuating Jihad bounty hunt industry emerged.
Many Christian, Muslim, and Jewish organizations took advantage of this and began to make a name and bucks for themselves by watching Islamic Jihad. Notable among them have been the ADL, FDD–Foundation for Defense of Democracies– ZOA–Zionist Organization of America–, David Horowitz Freedom Center, Robert Spencer’s Jihad Watch, and Bridgitte Gabriel’s ACT for America organization. Even Ghislaine Maxwell’s brothers wanted a piece of the Jihad Watch cake and joined in.
Although some of these organizations sprinkled their day-to-day jobs with some other issues as a cover, their primary concern has been watching out for Islamic Jihad. Tons of other groups were also established focused on Christian nationalism, Hindu extremism, and other forms of extremism.
So, My Watch Begins
As a concerned world citizen with years of study on extremist ideologies with instinctive pattern recognition of how religious extremists propelled our world to where it is today and still shaping current events, I looked around. I said to myself, “Who is watching Jewish Jihad?”
And the answer to that question was frighteningly missing in our discourse. And given the danger and maliciousness of Jewish Jihad ideology both in history and in the present, its absence was unfathomable. Nobody, I mean literally nobody is paying attention to the religious extremism and apocalyptic Jihadi violence that has been at the pulsating heart of the Jewish State not only after its formation but from its conception.
Especially more so in the last two decades during which there has been a literal explosion of volcanic religious extremism, leading to religiously motivated massacres and settler expansion in the Jewish State than anywhere else– culminating with the current genocide in Gaza. Since the last Jewish revolt against Rome almost 2000 years ago, Jewish religious extremism remained in a state of a frozen hell until after WW2. That hell got unfrozen and exploded into life in the last eighty decades. Their religious extremism is so inconceivable and over the top, that Netanyahu is seen as the moderate one. And may I remind you all that Netanyahu is the man whose first few words after the OC 7 attacks were “kill all the Amalek.” The message he delivered from the Jewish State’s office with the entire world’s attention statically set on him, was “You must remember what Amalek has done to you, says our Holy Bible. And we do remember.”
In this, Netanyahu was invoking one of the most violent verses in the Old Testament which permits the Jews to slaughter their enemies without mercy and certainly without distinction between combatants and infants, pregnant mothers, and swordsmen.
The genocidal Biblical passage goes like this: “This is what the Lord Almighty says,” the prophet Samuel–the high priest– tells Saul, the first King. “I will punish the Amalekites for what they did to Israel when they waylaid them as they came up from Egypt. Now go, attack the Amalekites and totally destroy all that belongs to them. Do not spare them; put to death men and women, children and infants, cattle and sheep, camels and donkeys.”
You would think the people who hold extreme religious beliefs like this and possess the capacity to act upon it on literally atomic bomb level would get more scrutiny than some misguided dudes with homemade bombs in their underpants.
So, all of this got me thinking who is really watching the Jewish Jihad? And this is how was born.